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Let’s Encrypt — A Certificate Authority To Provide Free SSL Certificates For Entire Web

As days are passing, encryption is becoming a need for every user sitting online. Many tech giants including Google, Apple and Yahoo! are adopting encryption to serve its users security and privacy at its best, but according to Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the high-tech Web security should not be limited to the wealthiest technology firms.

The non-profit foundation EFF has partnered with big and reputed companies including Mozilla, Cisco, and Akamai to offer free HTTPS/SSL certificates for those running servers on the internet at the beginning of 2015, in order to encourage people to encrypt users’ connections to their websites.

Until now, switching web server over to HTTPS from HTTP is something of a hassle and expense for website operators and notoriously hard to install and maintain it. But, after the launch of this new free certificate authority (CA), called Let's Encrypt, it will be even more easy for people to run encrypted, secure HTTPS websites.


Kenya Education Network CERT(KENET-CERT) is a Cybersecurity Emergency Response Team and Co-ordination Center operated by the National Research and Education Network of Kenya. KENET-CERT coordination center promotes awareness on cybersecurity incidences as well as coordinates and assists member institutions in responding effectively to cyber security threats and incidences. KENET-CERT works closely with Kenya's National CIRT coordination center (CIRT/CC) as a sector CIRT for the academic institutions. KENET promotes use of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Research in Higher Education Institutions in Kenya. KENET aims to interconnect all the Universities, Tertiary and Research Institutions in Kenya by setting up a cost effective and sustainable private network with high speed access to the global Internet. KENET also facilitates electronic communication among students and faculties in member institutions, share learning and teaching resources by collaboration in Research and Development of Educational content.