Vision, Mission & Core Values
Be an academic community significantly contributing to the achievement of high research and innovation productivity levels of Kenya
To promote and facilitate the digital transformation and digital inclusion of member institutions
KENET’s Corporate Motto
Transforming Learning, Research and Working Environments using ICT
Core Values
In order to achieve the vision and mission, we are guided by the following core values:
Openness. We value sharing, collaboration, and open access to knowledge and resources, and thus support the development and adoption of technologies, applications, and approaches that foster openness
Diversity. We promote gender, regional, educational, and professional diversity in the recruitment of employees, capacity development and governance
Excellence. We embrace excellence in our work, service to our customers and relationships with our stakeholders.
Integrity. We mean what we say and say what we mean, and we operate transparently and honestly so as to inspire the trust and confidence of our internal and external stakeholders.