Social networking penetration is on fast increase due to the fact that mobile data prices are becoming less, more portable devices are also easily connected to the internet and many social events are mostly communicated through the social sites. This has contributed to the increase of cyber crimes and incidences as a result of social networking. Questions have to be answered concerning the risks social networking poses to the users and if they can be avoided. What are the cons and pros of social networking and and if there is a solution to the risks posed by social networking.

A mobile device is a term used for any type of portable and handheld computer. They are usually powerful devices that can do what laptop or desktop computers can do. These include tablets, e-readers, and smartphones, portable laptops and other portable computing devices.

What is Mobile Device Security

This is the protection of mobile devices, the networks they connect to and applications from threats and vulnerabilities asscieated with wireless computing.

The internet can be an amaze-ing place to explore, but it's also good to practice online safety. Some tips include being careful about sharing personal information, reporting anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable online, and getting familiar with privacy settings.

A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is an attack meant to shut down a machine or network, making it inaccessible to its intended users. DoS attacks accomplish this by flooding the target with traffic, or sending it information that triggers a crash. In both instances, the DoS attack deprives legitimate users (i.e. employees, members, or account holders) of the service or resource they expected.

Victims of DoS attacks often target web servers of high-profile organizations such as banking, commerce, and media companies, or government and trade organizations. Though DoS attacks do not typically result in the theft or loss of significant information or other assets, they can cost the victim a great deal of time and money to handle.

A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is an attack meant to shut down a machine or network, making it inaccessible to its intended users. DoS attacks accomplish this by flooding the target with traffic, or sending it information that triggers a crash. In both instances, the DoS attack deprives legitimate users (i.e. employees, members, or account holders) of the service or resource they expected.

In a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack), the incoming traffic flooding the victim originates from many different sources. This effectively makes it impossible to stop the attack simply by blocking a single source.