Current Activities

Malicious Software Packages Found On Arch Linux User Repository

Yet another incident which showcases that you should not explicitly trust user-controlled software repositories.
One of the most popular Linux distros Arch Linux has pulled as many as three user-maintained software repository AUR packages after it was found hosting malicious code.
Arch Linux is an independently developed, general-purpose GNU/Linux distribution composed predominantly of free and open-source software, and supports community involvement.

Hardening Wordpress

Hardening Wordpress

WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.Most of the CMS are very vulnerable and security fixes are always realeased for newer version.Below is a link on how to successfully harden your Wordpress site.

Hardening wordpress sites

WordPress 4.0.1 Security Release

WordPress 4.0.1 is now available. This is a critical security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately.

Sites that support automatic background updates will be updated to WordPress 4.0.1 within the next few hours. If you are still on WordPress 3.9.2, 3.8.4, or 3.7.4, you will be updated to 3.9.3, 3.8.5, or 3.7.5 to keep everything secure. (We don’t support older versions, so please update to 4.0.1 for the latest and greatest.)